Proge-Software collaborates with the students of the Cognitive Computing Systems course of Computer Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II

We thank Professor Paolo Maresca, lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Engineering of the Federico II University of Naples, for giving us the opportunity to collaborate again with the University by providing training workshops to master’s degree students of the Cognitive Computing Systems course. In this path, students will have the opportunity to experience how the study of theoretical concepts materializes in the development and use of tools and methodologies applied in the  professional activities. Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning on Azure and Cognitive Services, Azure and Internet of Things, Open-Source Cloud Native Technologies for Machine Learning, are the technological topics that students will touch, enriching their wealth of knowledge to build their future. Today!

Below is the schedule of the training sessions held by highly specialized Proge-Software personnel:

21/04/2022 Advanced Analytics Docenti: Data Analyst and Data Scientist
12/05/2022 Azure Cognitive Services Docenti: Data Analyst and Data Scientist
26/05/2022 Open-Source Cloud Native Technologies for Machine Learning Docenti: Solution Architect and Data Scientist
06/06/2022 Azure and IoT Docenti: Solution Architect and Data Scientist